Call 911 in case of emergency or get immediate help at 1 (844) 853-0811
Leaving an abusive relationship takes more than one step.
It is a process, or a journey. For most women, the journey begins when they become aware of the situation and decide to end the violence in their relationship. You have reached your destination when you can focus on your personal healing.
Each woman must determine which paths are most appropriate for her and when to take them, but the most important thing is to take the step. It is certainly not an easy road, and you may encounter some obstacles.
However, you can get help along the way. Remember that the decision is yours. You need to decide which services you will use, and when and how you will do so.
An emergency intervention order (EIO) is an order made under the Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Act in response to a request from a person experiencing intimate partner violence. Such orders may include various temporary conditions aimed at improving the safety of victims. They may, for example, contain provisions allowing the applicant to stay temporarily in the family residence (apartment, house, mobile home, etc.) while the partner (respondent) must leave the residence.
Who can apply for an Emergency Intervention Order (EIO)?
People who are victims of abuse or violence in an “intimate personal relationship” can apply for an emergency intervention order. The law defines an intimate personal relationship as:
To begin the process of applying for an Emergency Intervention Order, the victim will need to contact a service provider and seek their assistance. The Act specifies that the following service providers will provide assistance:
Elements of a Security Contingency Plan; you need to develop a plan to increase your security. Prepare it in advance to avoid the risk of increased violence. Even if you have no control over your partner's violence, you have choices about how to respond to it and keep yourself and your children safe. Keep your plan in a safe place.
Maison de "Passage" House Inc. also has several collaborations with entities in and around the Chaleur Region.
You can find contact and information links below
Phone: 506-546-3305
Website: Community Mental Health Centers
Phone: 833-733-7835
Website: Social Development | GNB
Phone: 506-549-3215
Website: Victim Services | GNB
Phone: 506-544-3000
Website: Chaleur Regional Hospital
No, our services are completely free.
Women and children who need secure shelter because they are abused physically, psychologically, sexually, economically, spiritually, verbally and / or socially.
We have a license for a maximum of ten beds.