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Moving towards a life without violence

Leaving an abusive relationship takes more than one step.

It is a process, or a journey. For most women, the journey begins when they become aware of the situation and decide to end the violence in their relationship. You have reached your destination when you can focus on your personal healing.

Each woman must determine which paths are most appropriate for her and when to take them, but the most important thing is to take the step. It is certainly not an easy road, and you may encounter some obstacles.

However, you can get help along the way. Remember that the decision is yours. You need to decide which services you will use, and when and how you will do so.

Emergency Intervention Order

An emergency intervention order (EIO) is an order made under the Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Act in response to a request from a person experiencing intimate partner violence. Such orders may include various temporary conditions aimed at improving the safety of victims. They may, for example, contain provisions allowing the applicant to stay temporarily in the family residence (apartment, house, mobile home, etc.) while the partner (respondent) must leave the residence.

Who can apply for an Emergency Intervention Order (EIO)?

People who are victims of abuse or violence in an “intimate personal relationship” can apply for an emergency intervention order. The law defines an intimate personal relationship as:

  • Two individuals who are or have been married to each other;
  • Two individuals who maintain or have maintained a conjugal relationship;
  • Two individuals who are dating or have been dating or have or have had a romantic relationship.

To begin the process of applying for an Emergency Intervention Order, the victim will need to contact a service provider and seek their assistance. The Act specifies that the following service providers will provide assistance:

  • Police officers,
  • Victim services (provincial Victim Services or police-run victim and witness programs can help their clients),
  • Transition houses,
  • second-stage housing,
  • Domestic violence outreach workers,
  • Social workers from the Ministry of Social Development.

Emergency plan

Elements of a Security Contingency Plan; you need to develop a plan to increase your security. Prepare it in advance to avoid the risk of increased violence. Even if you have no control over your partner's violence, you have choices about how to respond to it and keep yourself and your children safe. Keep your plan in a safe place.

  • Create an escape route. Know where the firearms are in the house.
  • Know where you can go to be safe, even if it's just to make a phone call.
  • If you have been a victim of violence in the past, make sure the police are familiar with your situation.
  • Program emergency numbers into the phone (shelter, neighbours, people who can help you).
  • Talk to your neighbors and other people you can trust. Inform them of the situation so they can be alert and call the police if they are concerned.
  • Call a transition house and talk to the staff members. You should consider choosing a code word so they know who you are if you need to call them in a crisis.
  • Hide some cash if possible and an extra set of car keys so you can leave quickly.
  • Talk to children. They need to know which neighbors they can go to in an emergency and how to use the phone to call the police.
  • Make a list of items to carry so you know where to find them in an emergency. Here are some items that may be important:
    1. money, bank books, credit cards;
    2. clothes for you and your children for a few days;
    3. medicines you or your children may need;
    4. house keys, car keys;
    5. identity papers;
    6. important documents: birth and marriage certificates, social insurance numbers, divorce documents, custody documents, court orders, injunctions, tax returns;
    7. medical assistance cards for you and your children;
    8. medical records and vaccination records;
    9. First Nation status card;
    10. immigration and citizenship certificates, passports for all family members;
    11. working license;
    12. children's favorite toys, books and blankets;
    13. copies of your lease, mortgage or other deed;
    14. photo of your spouse or partner (for identification purposes);
    15. your address book and telephone numbers;
    16. registration certificate, driver's license, automobile insurance certificate;
    17. goods or books that you care about (objects that comfort you).
  • Consider packing an emergency bag containing some of the aforementioned items in case you need to leave quickly. You can't take everything. Take only what you will need for a few days. You can leave the bag with a friend if necessary.
  • It's probably a good idea to seek advice from legal counsel or others now, even before an emergency arises.
  • If you are in danger, call 911 immediately.


Maison de "Passage" House Inc. also has several collaborations with entities in and around the Chaleur Region.

You can find contact and information links below

Nepisiguit Family Services

Phone: 506-546-3305

Mental health

Website: Community Mental Health Centers

Social Development

Phone: 833-733-7835
Website: Social Development | GNB

Outreach services, Bathurst Youth Center

Phone: 506-549-3215

Provincial Victims Services

Website: Victim Services | GNB

Bathurst Regional Hospital

Phone: 506-544-3000
Website: Chaleur Regional Hospital

Violence against women is unacceptable!

Women living in violent situations have the capacity, with the appropriate help, to find solutions to their problems.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any fees?

No, our services are completely free.

Who can benefit from the services of Maison de Passage House Inc.?

Women and children who need secure shelter because they are abused physically, psychologically, sexually, economically, spiritually, verbally and / or socially.

What is your maximum capacity?

We have a license for a maximum of ten beds.

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