What Is Violence?

Know the signs of violence

Do you know all the forms of violence?

Violence can take many forms, it includes, but is not limited to:

Physical violence

Consists of a physical manifestation of violence. It is when there is a manifestation of violence, but not necessarily a contact between the persons.

For example: Throwing objects, hitting, blocking the way, etc.

Psychological or emotional violence

Consists of a series of hurtful, scornful and humiliating words.

For example: Negative public comments that denigrate and criticize.

Sexual violence

Consist of forcing the spouse to perform undesired sexual acts.

For example: Insults during the act, humiliation and forcing the spouse or significant other to view pornography.

Economic violence

Consists of all things dealing with the control of money.

For example: Getting in debt, taking money from the person, forcing the person to steal.

Social violence

Consists of isolating the spouse.

For example: The person is not allowed to see her friends and family, emails and phone calls are controlled.

Verbal violence

Consists of all that can be heard.

For example: Threats, blackmail, insults, and giving orders.

Spiritual violence

Consists of using religion to dominate another person.

For example: The person may be forced to adopt a particular religion's belief and/or abandon her own religion.

Are you trapped in a cycle of violence?

Domestic violence is not a single act of violence, it is a cycle of violence. It happens over and over again and it follows a typical pattern that has three distinct phases.

  1. During the tension building phase, you feel like your partner is going to get angry about something and you start to walk on eggshells. You fear you have done something wrong.
  2. The next phase is the explosion stage. Your partner becomes physically violent or verbally abusive.
  3. The last phase is the so-called honeymoon. Your partner promises you that it won't happen again and shows affection for a while. You forgive him and hope it never happens again.

Unfortunately, this cycle repeats itself over and over again. The violence only gets worse and more frequent over time. These types of controlling and dominating behaviors constitute abuse of women or domestic violence.

You don't deserve to be treated violently, controlled or belittled. Nobody deserves it.

Recognize the signs of an abusive intimate relationship

  • Your relationship with your husband or partner is full of conflict and anger;
  • You are often nervous, as if you are walking on eggshells;
  • You are unhappy or feel depressed about your relationship;
  • You wonder why nothing you do is right;
  • Sometimes, you are even afraid.

Violence against women is unacceptable!

Women living in violent situations have the capacity, with the appropriate help, to find solutions to their problems.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is your maximum capacity?

We have a license for a maximum of ten beds.

Who can benefit from the services of Maison de Passage House Inc.?

Women and children who need secure shelter because they are abused physically, psychologically, sexually, economically, spiritually, verbally and / or socially.

How long can I stay?

Women and their children can stay for up to 30 days.

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