To continue to offer our services free of charge, we need all the support we can get.
The support of the community and business is paramount in providing shelter to women and children at no cost. The provincial government provides basic funding for the operation of Maison de "Passage" House Inc.; however, the operating costs exceed the amount granted by the government.
To continue to offer our services free of charge, we need all the support we can get.
Your contribution will allow us to continue offering this valuable service to our women and their children.
Please donate by mail at : P.O. Box 1284 Bathurst, NB Canada E2A 4J1
Women and children who need secure shelter because they are abused physically, psychologically, sexually, economically, spiritually, verbally and / or socially.
Yes, you will always be welcomed without judgement.
We have a license for a maximum of ten beds.